It took a lot of courage to shell out cash to buy an Android device in a BB world like ours. I had the chance to get a BB Curve or Bold and go home with some change the last time I visited CV (Comp Villa or Computer Village – for the noobs). Instead, I got a T Mobile MyTouch 3G. The phone was obviously unlocked because T Mobile is not available in Nigeria. The specs weren’t all that even though it was better than the alternatives by far. Besides, the version of Android it was running is 1.6 (Donut) at a time like this when we already have 2.2 (Froyo). I hesitated at first, but then I decided it will be perfect to start the Android experience from grassroots and see how the OS has evolved. I made the right decision.
Even though the amount of apps I have access to are limited to my OS version and my phone specification, I have to say, this operating system is advanced! Either on Wifi or on 3G, I get the best out of my phone; this is really a smart phone. As much as the HTC Desire was my dream phone (it still is, by the way) I have to say that I’m cool with what I have for now, and that the Android platform in general is a particularly good look and feel. This is only the beginning. 🙂
Only thing keeping me on my BB is my BBM. I am frankly tired of the numerous issues that come with the phone. From numerous freezes to auto-restarts and message loss, you see why I want to throw the phone into the bar beach.
Not sure if you are a BBM addict but if so, what applications do you now use to facilitate keeping in touch with friends especially those out of the country (BBM definitely helps eliminate buying phone cards :))
I currently have Whatsapp and find it useful. I also use a number of instant messaging applications like gchat, yahoo and msn. Could you do a review or present other apps in this category that facilitates free communication between remote users using a mobile device and/or web/desktop application
*Sorry for the late reply*
Wow, I see you're hooked on the crackberry. I don't own a BB even though I've been using one for about a month now and I am yet to be blown away. It's a Curve 9360 (or Curve 4) and I'm going to review it on the blog anyway. But the only two apps I find myself using are the BBM and Foursquare. Whatsapp is really good for keeping in touch and is a great alternative to BBM. Instant messaging apps like the ones you listed above are really good considering you have constant internet access. This is another advantage of the BB. Data is cheaper on it than on other smartphones. I will look into more instant messaging apps and see if I can write something about selecting the right one. Thank you for reading and commenting!